(PLEASE NOTE: Some images in this article may upset some sensitive readers!!)


Being diagnosed with cancer myself and undergoing several operations to remove several tumors, going through treatments and still do, I fully understand firsthand what it is to life with cancer, how it changes your outlook on life, perspective, desire to live and the worts part of it all is the financial struggle and unemployment as a result of your illness…. The whole ordeal that comes with it.

It’s a bitter pill to swallow and I feels like no one really cares and those whom you have cared deeply for has turned their backs on you in fear that you might look to them for financial assistance. – Fortunately for me, I had a few ANGELS that extended a helping hand financially, morally and emotionally, but obviously within their own abilities and budget – I love you beyond words can describe.

Not being able to get back into the employment market, I have founded Informica Corporate Solutions (Pty) Ltd not only to support myself financially but also to provide employment for people in my situation as well as to assist emerging Entrepreneurs to start Innovative businesses. Unfortunately one needs money to make money despite out of the box thinking

Apart from campaigning this project, that lies close to my heart, I would like to make use of this opportunity to personally thank my parents, Jood and Cecile Janse van Rensburg and Babs Grobler for providing me with shelter, food and funds to buy pain pills due to the lack of a medical aid – Above ALL your emotional support when darkness overshadows all HOPE and WILLPOWER to keep on fighting).

This created an unknown and heated desire in me to help others where I possibly can and to make it my personal mission in life as long as I am still able to do so. Hopefully my legacy of passion would continue after my passing…

Seeing and having many friends living in UNBEARABLE and EXCRUCIATING pain every day of their/our life’s, my purpose and mission in life has shifted to making a difference in other people’s life’s TODAY. Making right that is wrong in a world that THEY say is beyond repair, a world that is consumed by hate, selfishness and greed –

Well I am going to proof everyone wrong – THE WORLD CAN be healed and that humanity DO exist as

 “Limping creates the desire to do something GREAT”!!!!


I would like to extend a hearty invitation and challenge/plea to ALL my social media connections, Corporate Companies, Business owners and all people listed under the heading “WHAT WE NEED TO MAKE THIS ABSOLUTELY PASSIONATE PROJECT VIABLE AND POSSIBLE AND ON A “SPONSOR” BASIS” is to get involved in my project that will comply with all regulatory requirements to start with the project.

I also want to extend a warm and hearty invitation to EVERYONE who is diagnosed with cancer or knows of someone diagnosed with cancer and who is SUFFERING FINANCIALLY as a result of the latter, to send me a message by clicking on the “SEND MESSAGE BOTTON” on my humble public Facebook page as per link below or send me an email by clicking on this link – Email address 


Facebook link Dirk Janse van Rensburg

(All information WILL be treated on a highly confidential basis unless otherwise stipulated per your request)

For the past 12 months I have spent a substantial amount of doing research, networking and having meetings with several Service providers but I/we want to be fair in giving everyone a fair chance to get involved. Those Service Providers I had meetings with, already indicated much interest.

The mission is “To provide a highly effective and exceptional support system in association with several leading and caring Service Providers who also strive for excellence in accordance to a system and process which is honest, fair, transparent, cost-effective and equitable to support those in need”


  1. A well-established Attorney Firm and as well as an Accountant Firm to assist with the setting up of a non-profit Trust Account in the name of “The Dirk Janse van Rensburg Cancer Foundation” and to provide me with information on All regulatory requirements to start such a Foundation
  2. The services of a dedicated Journalist who can and is willing, able and passionate about cancer and giving this project the exposure it so well deserved. (PR Solutions)
  3. Production or Advertising Company who would like to assist with the marketing of the project and the making of a video for YouTube as well as advertising purposes
  4. Business owners who would like to get involved and on what basis you would like to get involved?
  5. Someone from a Financial Institution to assist with the opening of such a Trust Fund
  6. A Photographer
  7. Events Company to arrange fundraising events
  8. The services of a Website designer
  9. IT Solutions Company to assist with all IT requirements as well as the setting up of a VOIP PABX System AND affordable uncapped internet or SPONSOR
  10. Graphic Designer
  11. Sponsor for all OFFICE hardware requirements (Second hand or new)
  12. Printing Company for brochures and business cards etc.
  13. A company who can assist with all PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS (T-Shirts, pens etc.)
  14. Email and Social Media Marketing services to give this project the ultimate exposure
  15. Office space in the Garsfontein/Menlyn Area PLEASE
  16. Stationary Company who would like to get involved 

ANY other assistance or ideas most WELCOME!THANK YOU IN ADVANCE

 For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me by completing the form below (Unfortunately I would not be able to take many calls but should you wish to contact me directly, herewith my cell number – 082 341 8581 – Dirk Janse van Rensburg)

Informica Corporate Solutions (Pty) Ltd